Steaks, Chops, Shrimp, Crab Legs – All Shipped In Styrofoam Coolers (made from EPS) – But What Other Supplies Are Involved To Protect Temperature-Sensitive Products?
With business, transportation, and technology logistics being more efficient and far reaching than ever across the globe, companies have found a multi-billion dollar opportunity in selling all kinds of meat and seafood by phone or via internet websites. Due to the perishable nature of the products, they are transported by mail carrier to purchasers, brokers, and end-users expeditiously using a process called, “COLD CHAIN SHIPPING“. Cold chain allows businesses to take advantage of today’s distribution networks with a singular, profit-building goal in mind:
Thus, the methodology involved in moving goods city to city, state to state, or even country to country has evolved into standard, practical, sometimes cost-saving cold chain shipping supplies (even Extra-Large Gaylord Box-sized Shipping Boxes) that have been tested (and are known to be reliable for) for the specific purpose of providing thermal protection for temperature-sensitive fresh and frozen meat (or seafood) during the entire transit.
The High Cost Of Material Technology Vs. Cheap, Reliable ‘Workhorse” Cold Chain Shipping Supplies
The reason we use the term “sometimes cost saving” is because not all standard shipping supplies save money for the shipper, and can be more about impressive technological advances in materials than about simply getting the job done properly at the lowest price so that profit margins can expand. Frankly, we don’t see much sense in spending a lot of capital on insulated shipping containers that cost far more than necessary to accomplish the number one priority.
Thousands of other companies see things as we do, and it is for that reason shipping supplies for moving meat and seafood across long distances now fit into a common combination of corrugated boxes, Styrofoam Shipping Boxes & Shipping Coolers ‘Gel-Ice’ Reusable Gel Ice Packs, plastic or other wrapping, absorbent material, dunnage (packing peanuts, etc.) and sealing tape.
With this combination, companies save a lot of money on shipping while boosting both their profits and customer satisfaction, which of course strengthens business for the future.
We’ve written an article explaining these cold chain shipping supplies in detail. Read How EPS or Styrofoam Shipping Coolers Are Used In Meat and Seafood Cold Chain Shipping…